  • 丁德興 專案助理教授

    丁德興 專案助理教授
    學歷國立高雄科技大學水產科技產業博士班 博士
    電話(07)361-7141 分機23712


    1. De-Sing Ding*, Wei-Ting Sun, Anil Kumar Patel, Reeta Rani Singhania, Chih-Hung Pan, and Cheng-Di Dong*. 2022. "Parasitic Pathways and Evaluation of Non-Specific Parasitism of Ciliate Infected Captive Corals." Aquaculture 560: 738610. (Impact factor: 5.135; Ranking: 7.07; Subject category: 8/113 in Marine & freshwater Biology) *Corresponding author and first author.                                                    (本人為第一作者,共同通訊作者)
    1. De-Sing Ding*, Sheng-Hao Wang, Wei-Ting Sun, Huang-Lin Liu, and Chih-Hung Pan. 2022. "The Effect of Feeding on Briareum violacea Growth, Survival and Larval Development under Temperature and Salinity Stress" Biology 11, no. 3: 410. (Impact factor: 5.079; Ranking: 17.20; Subject category: 16/93 in Biology) *Corresponding author and first author. (本人為通訊作者、第一作者)
    1. De-Sing Ding, Anil Kumar Patel, Reeta Rani Singhania, Chiu-Wen Chen, and Cheng-Di Dong. 2022. "Effects of Temperature and Salinity on Growth, Metabolism and Digestive Enzymes Synthesis of Goniopora columna" Biology 11, no. 3: 436. (Impact factor: 5.079; Ranking: 17.20; Subject category: 16/93 in Biology) First author. (本人為第一作者)
    1. Ya-Ting Chen, De-Sing Ding, Yee Cheng Lim, Reeta Rani Singhania, Shuchen Hsieh, Chiu-Wen Chen, Shu-Ling Hsieh, Cheng-Di Dong. 2022. Impact of polyethylene microplastics on coral Goniopora columna causing oxidative stress and histopathology damages. Science of the Total Environment, (Accept) (Impact factor: 7.963; Ranking: 9.12; Subject category: 25/274 in Veterinary sciences)
    1. Chang-Mao Hung, Chin-Pao Huang, Shu-Ling Hsieh, Ya-Ting Chen, De-Sing Ding, Shuchen Hsieh, Chiu-Wen Chen, Cheng-Di Dong, 2022. Exposure of Goniopora columna to polyethylene microplastics (PE-MPs): Effects of PE-MP concentration on extracellular polymeric substances and microbial community. Chemosphere, 134113. (Impact factor: 7.086; Ranking: 10.95; Subject category: 30/274 in Veterinary sciences)
    1. Tah-Wei Chu, Chiu-Min Cheng, Yu-Rong Cheng, Cheng-Di Dong, Chih-Hung Chuang, Chih-Hung Pan, Wei-Ting Sun, and De-Sing Ding*. 2022. "Evaluation of Clove Extract for Drug Therapy of Ciliate Infection in Coral (Goniopora columna)" Biology 11, no. 2: 280. (SCI) (Impact factor: 5.079; Ranking: 17.20; Subject category: 16/93 in Biology) *Corresponding author. (本人為通訊作者、第一作者)
    1. Chiu-Min Cheng, Yu-Rong Cheng, Hsuan-Yu Lin, Wei-Ting Sun, Chih-Hung Pan, and De-Sing Ding*. 2022. "Effects of LED Light Illumination on the Growth, Digestive Enzymes, and Photoacclimation of Goniopora columna in Captivity" Animals 12, no. 3: 306. (SCI) (Impact factor: 2.752; Ranking: 13.00; Subject category: 19/146 in Veterinary sciences) *Corresponding author.
    1. Chiu-Min Cheng, Yu-Rong Cheng, De-Sing Ding*, Wei-Ting Sun , Chih-Hung Pan, 2021. Effects of Ciliate Infection on the Activities of Two Antioxidant Enzymes (SOD and CAT) in Captive Coral (Goniopora columna) and Evaluation of Drug Therapy. Biology 10, 1216. (SCI) (Impact factor: 5.079; Ranking: 17.20 (Subject category: 16/93 in Biology) *Corresponding author. (本人為通訊作者)
    1. De-Sing Ding*, Wei-Ting Sun, Chih-Hung Pan, 2021. Feeding of a Scleractinian Coral, Goniopora columna, on Microalgae, Yeast, and Artificial Feed in Captivity. Animals 11, 3009. (SCI) (Impact factor: 2.752; Ranking: 13.00 (Subject category: 19/146 in Veterinary sciences) *Corresponding author and first author. (本人為通訊作者、第一作者)
    1. Hsiang-Chieh Chuang, De-Sing Ding, Chih-Hsuan Fan, Chia-Hua Lin, Chiu-Min Cheng, 2021. Effect of cell-permeable grouper Manganese Superoxide Dismutase on environmental stress in fish. Protein Expression and Purification 187, 105951. (SCI) (Impact factor: 1.650; Ranking: 88.46 (Subject category: 69/78 in Biochemical research methods)
    1. Yu-Rong Cheng, Tsai-Ming Lu, De-Sing Ding, 2021. Xarifiid Copepods (Copepoda: Cyclopoida: Xarifiidae) Parasitic in the Coral Psammocora columna Dana, 1846 from Taiwan. Animals 11, 2847. (SCI) (Impact factor: 2.752; Ranking: 13.00 (Subject category: 19/146 in Veterinary sciences)
    1. De-Sing Ding, Yu-Yun Chen, Chien-hsun Chen & Yu-Rong Cheng, 2021. The first occurrence of Paralebion elongatus (Siphonostomatoida: Caligidae) parasite on sharptooth lemon shark, Negaprion acutidens, in the West Pacific, with a full description of a chalimus-like stage. J. Fish. Soc. Taiwan, 48(3), 161-175. (本人為第一作者)


    1. 劉皇麟、林宣宇、孫維廷、丁德興*、潘志弘(2023)中藥萃取物對珊瑚纖毛蟲病防治之研究。台灣水產學會 112 年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會(台灣,基隆)。
    1. 林宣宇、劉皇麟、孫維廷、丁德興*、潘志弘(2023) 溫度對珊瑚寄生性纖毛蟲純化培養與感染率 之研究。台灣水產學會 112 年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會(台灣,基隆)。
    1. 丁德興、劉皇麟、孫維廷、鄭秋敏、潘志弘(2022) 纖毛蟲感染對珊瑚抗氧化酶活性影響與治療評估。台灣水產學會 111 年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會(台灣,嘉義)。
    1. 丁德興、劉皇麟、孫維廷、鄭秋敏、潘志弘(2022) 珊瑚規模化養殖餌料之評估。台灣水產學會 111 年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會(台灣,嘉義)。
    1. 王聖豪、朱奕儒、孫維廷、丁德興、潘志弘 (2021) 飼糧營養素對溫鹽緊迫草皮珊瑚(Briareum violacea)的影響。台灣水產學會 110 年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會(台灣,基隆)。
    1. 朱奕儒、王聖豪、孫維廷、丁德興、潘志弘 (2021) 餌料對柱形管孔珊瑚(Goniopora columna)營養攝取、消化酵素及成長之影響。台灣水產學會 110 年度學術論文發表會暨會員大會(台灣,基隆)。
    1. De-Sing, Ding, Wei-Ting, Sun, Yang-Jhong, Ou, Chih-Hung, Pan.2018.Effects of light on the growth of thestony coral (Goniopora columna). Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    1. Wei-Ting, Sun, De-Sing, Ding, Yang-Jhong, Ou, Chih-Hung, Pan. 2018. Effects of light on the growth of the soft coral (Pachyclavularia sp.). Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    1. De-Sing, Ding, Wei-Ting, Sun, Yang-Jhong, Ou, Chih-Hung, Pan. 2018. Effects of seasonal variation on ammonia and nitrite in the water and sediment of fish pond in Mailiao Taixi, Yunlin and Dacheng, Changhua. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    1. Yang-Jhong, Ou, De-Sing, Ding, Wei-Ting, Sun, Chih-Hung, Pan. 2018. The study on ammonia uptake rate of Kappaphycus alvarezii and Caulerpa lentillifera its application in filtering system. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    1. De-Sing, Ding, Wei-Ting, Sun, Yang-Zhong, Ou, Yi-Chan, Wu, Tsung-Chin, Tsai, Chih-Hung, Pan. 2018. Effects of seasonal variation on fish diseases of parasites in Mailiao and Taixi, Yunlin. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
    1. De-Sing, Ding, Meng-Ching, Tsai, Wei-Ting, Sun, Yi-Chan, Wu, Tsung-Chin, Tsai, Chih-Hung, Pan. 2017. Effects of seasonal variation on fish diseases of parasites in Mailiao and Taixi, Yunlin. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Keelung, Taiwan.
    1. De-Sing, Ding, Meng-Ching, Tsai, Wei-Ting, Sun, Chiu-Min, Cheng, Chih-Hung, Pan, Jyh-Horng, Sheu, Chiung-Yao, Huang, Shwu-Li, Wu. 2017. Investigation on Natural Products and Bioactivities of Cultured Soft Corals. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Keelung, Taiwan.
    1. De-Sing, Ding, Meng-Ching, Tsai, Wei-Ting, Sun, Yi-Chan, Wu, Tsung-Chin, Tsai, Chih-Hung, Pan. 2017. Effects of seasonal variation on ammonia and nitrite in the water and sediment of fish pond in Mailiao and Taixi, Yunlin. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Keelung, Taiwan.
    1. De-Sing, Ding, Wei-Ting, Sun, Jia-Hong, Lin, Chih-hung, Pan. 2014. Effect of artificial nest on the reproduction of the ocellaris Clownfish, Amphiprion ocellaris. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Chiayi, Taiwan.
    1. De-Sing, Ding, Meng-Ching, Tsai, Wei-Ting, Sun, Jia-Hong, Lin, Chih-hung, Pan. 2013. The effect of dietary natural botanicals on the growth, survival and liver protection of Amphiprion ocellaris. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Chiayi, Taiwan.
    1. Meng-Ching, Tsai, De-Sing, Ding, Wei-Ting, Sun, Jia-Hong, Lin, Chih-hung, Pan. 2013. Studies of rotifer enrichment on growth and survival of the offspring larvae clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris). Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Chiayi, Taiwan.
    1. Meng-Ching, De-Sing, Ding, Wei-Ting, Sun, Jia-Hong, Lin, Chih-hung, Pan. 2013. Studies of light and dark environments and dietary natural pigments on pigmentation of the clownfish Amphiprion ocellaris. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Chiayi, Taiwan.
    1. De-Sing, Ding, Meng-Ching, Tsai, Chih-hung, Pan. 2012. The effect of dietary silymarin supplement on gowth, survival and liver protection of grouper, Epinephelus coioides. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Keelung, Taiwan.
    1. De-Sing, Ding, Meng-Ching, Tsai, Chih-hung, Pan. 2012. The effect of dietary botanicals on the growth, survival and liver protection of Amphiprion ocellaris. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Keelung, Taiwan.
    1. Meng-Ching, De-Sing, Ding, Chih-hung, Pan. 2012. Tsai,Utilization of carotenoid sources for Amphiprion ocellaris. Annual Conference of the Fisheries Society of Taiwan. Keelung, Taiwan.
    1. 丁德興,蔡孟晉,潘志弘(2010),在光、暗環境飼糧類胡蘿蔔素對眼斑海葵魚呈色之影響。台灣水產學會學術論文發表會壁報展示,基隆,P.226。


    三、國內期刊論文 丁德興。2017。創造台灣新珊瑚王國的丁德興。水族會訊,065 期。


    四、專利 中華民國專利編號:I602505,垂直式珊瑚繁養殖裝置,2017年。


    五、證照 1.水產養殖技師執照 [技證字第008145號]
