Members and Duties
  • Shan-Ru Jeng, Ph.D.

    Shan-Ru Jeng, Ph.D.
    EducationDepartment of Aquaculture, National Taiwan Ocean University, R.O.C.
    Tel+886-7-361-7141 ext. 23706、23715


    1.International Journal Papers 1 Arous, S., Maugars, G., Jeng, S. R., Chang, C. F., Welttzien, F. A., Rousseau, K., and Dufour, S. (2012) Pituitary gonadotropins FSH and LH are oppositely regulated by the activin/follistatin system in a basal teleost, the eel. General and Comparative Endocrinology 175, 82-91. (SCI).

    2 Jeng, S. R., Pasquier, J., Yueh, W. S., Chen, G.R., Lee, Y. H., Dufour, S. and Chang, C. F. (2012) Differential regulation of the expression of cytochrome P450 aromatase, estrogen and androgen receptor subtypes in the brain-pituitary-ovarian axis of the Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) reveals steroid dependent and independent mechanisms. General and Comparative Endocrinology 175, 163-172. (SCI).
    3  Jeng, S. R., Yueh, W. S., Lee, Y. H., Yen, H. F. and Chang, C. F. (2012) 17,20beta,21-Trihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one biosynthesis and 20beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase expression during final oocyte  maturation in the protandrous yellowfin porgy, Acanthopagrus latus. General and Comparative Endocrinology176, 192-200. (SCI).
    4 Jeng, S. R., Yueh, W. S., Pen, Y. T., Gueguen, M. M., Pasquier, J., Dufour, S., Chang, C. F. and Kah, O. (2012) Expression of aromatase in radial glial cells in the brain of Japanese eel provides insight into evolution of the cyp191a gene in Actinopterygians. PLoS ONE 7 (9), e44750. (SCI)
    5 Pasquier, J., Lafont, A. G., Jeng, S. R., Morini, M., Dirks, R., van den Thillart, G., Tomkiewicz, J., Tostivinte, H., Chang, C. F., Rousseau, K. and Dufour, S.(2012) Multiple kisspeptin receptors in early osteichthyans provide new insights into the evolution of this receptor family. PLoS ONE 7 (11), e48931 (SCI)
    6 Jeng, S. R., Yueh, W. S., Pen, Y. T., Lee, Y. H., Chen, G.R., Dufour, S. and Chang, C. F. (2014) Neuroendocrine gene expression reveals a decrease in dopamine D2B receptor with no changes in GnRH system during prepubertal metamorphosis of silvering in wild Japanese eel. General and Comparative Endocrinology206, 8-15. (SCI).)
    7 Jeng, S. R., Wu, G. C., Yueh, W. S., Kuo, S. F., Dufour, S. and Chang, C. F. (2018) Gonadal development and expression of sex-specific genes during sex differentiation in the Japanese eel. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 257, 74-85. (SCI)
    8 Wu, G.C., Jeng, S. R., Pan, Y. T., Li, H. W., Ku, W. L., Lin, C. J. and Chang, C. F. (2019) The germline-specific expression of Foxl3a and its paralogous Foxl3b are associated with male gonadal differentiation in the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. 277, 56-65. (SCI)
    9 Jeng, S. R., Wu, G. C., Yueh, W. S., Kuo, S. F., Dufour, S. and Chang, C. F. (2019) Dmrt1 (doublesex and mab-3-related transcription factor 1) expression during gonadal development and spermatogenesis in the Japanese eel. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 279, 154-163. (SCI)
    10 Lin, C. J., Maugars, G., Lafont, A. G., Jeng, S. R., Wu, G. C., Dufour, S. and Chang, C. F. (2020) Basal teleosts provide new insights into the evolutionary history of teleost-duplicated aromatase. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 291,113395 (SCI)

    11. Lin, C. J., Jeng, S. R.*, Lei Z.Y., Yueh, W. S., Dufour, S. and Chang, C. F.* (2021). Involvement of Transforming Growth Factor Beta Family Genes in Gonadal Differentiation in Japanese Eel, Anguilla japonica, According to Sex-Related Gene Expressions. Cells. 4;10: 3007 (SCI)
    12. Jeng, S. R., Wu, G. C., Yueh, W. S., Liu, P.H., Kuo, S. F., Dufour, S. and Chang, C. F. (2024). The expression profiles of cyp19a1, sf-1, esrs and gths in the brain-pituitary during gonadal sex differentiation in juvenile Japanese eels. Gen. Comp. Endocrinol. 353: 114512.


    3.National Conference Papers 1. 鄭絢如, 江秀稻, 郭素芬, 黃品涵, 劉康甫, 岳文勛, 張清風(2013). 大鱗鯔(Chelon Macrolepis) 雄魚生殖生理之特性. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. BPN-08. p116.
    2. 岳文勛, 鄭絢如, 郭素芬, 江秀稻, 孫淑芳, 張清風 (2013). 黃鰭鯛卵細胞成熟過程中體重變化與E2 之生理意義. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. BPN-10. p117.
    3. 鄭絢如, 岳文勛, 黃雅嬪, 陳冠如, 張清風(2013). 日本鰻發育過程中神經類固醇生成酵素的變化. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. BPN-27. p126.
    4. 岳文勛, 鄭絢如, 江秀稻, 郭素芬, 黃品涵, 張清風 (2014). 大鱗鯔雌魚生殖生理特性. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. BP-34. p90.
    5. 鄭絢如, 岳文勛, 郭素芬, 吳政儒, 張清風 (2015). 成熟階段的雌性黃鰭鯛腦區中環化酵素與雌性素受體的表現特性. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. P-phy-11. p400.
    6. 岳文勛, 鄭絢如, 江秀稻, 劉康甫, 張清風 (2015). 多巴胺拮抗劑對大鱗鯔(Chelon Macrolepis) 繁殖的影響. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. P-phy-09. p397.
    7. 岳文勛, 鄭絢如, 孫淑芳, 張清風 (2015). 雌二醇在黃鰭鯛卵成熟之功能. 2015台灣生物科技產學新知研討會.
    鄭絢如, 岳文勛,  Dufour, S., 張清風 (2015). 鰻魚青春期調控之內分泌機制. 2015台灣生物科技產學新知研討會.
    9. 岳文勛, 鄭絢如, 江秀稻, 黃品涵, 張清風 (2016). 應用離體卵細胞檢測大鱗鯔催熟特性. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. GP-6. p462.
    10. 鄭絢如, 岳文勛, 郭素芬, 吳政儒, 張清風 (2016). 黃鰭鯛腦區雌二醇與卵成熟之關係. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會.GP-7. p464.
    11. 鄭絢如, 吳貫忠, 岳文勛, 郭素芬, 潘怡婷, 張清風 (2017). 性別特異性基因在日本鰻生殖腺性別分化過程中的表現. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. BPN-10.
    12. 郭素芬, 江秀稻, 鄭絢如, 岳文勛 (2017). 寶石鱸 Jade Perch (Scortum barcoo)繁殖. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. BPN-28.
    13. 岳文勛, 鄭絢如, 郭素芬, 黃品涵, 張清風 (2018). 大鱗鯔促性腺激素及其受體表現之調控特性. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. GPN-03.
    14. 鄭絢如, 吳貫中, 岳文勛, 郭素芬, 劉佩樺, 張清風 (2018). 日本鰻性別分化過程中腦區環化酵素性的表現. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. GPN-10.
    15. 林承澤, 鄭絢如, 郭素芬, 岳文勛 (2019). 寶石鱸稚苗培育. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. APC-02. (養殖技術、繁養殖論文海報比賽發表組第三名)
    16. 劉佩樺, 吳貫忠, 岳文勛, 郭素芬, 張清風, 鄭絢如 (2019). 皮質醇對日本鰻腦區環化酵素的影響. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. EP-03.
    17. 雷振遠, 吳貫中, 岳文勛, 郭素芬, 張清風, 鄭絢如(2019). 皮質醇對日本鰻生殖腺發育的影響. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. EP-04.
    18. 鄭絢如,吳貫忠, 岳文勛, 郭素芬,劉佩樺,張清風 (112年度, 2023).日本鰻性別分化過程腦內性別相關基因表現量的變化. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. AP-06.
    19. 鄭絢如, 岳文勛, 郭素芬, 劉康甫, 張清風 (2023). HPI軸線對大鱗鯔生殖之影響. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. AP-07.
    20. 鄭絢如, 郭素芬, 林承澤,岳文勛  (2024). 激素對寶石鱸卵細胞之影響. 臺灣省水產學會論文發表會. BP-32.


    2.International Conference Papers 1. Jeng, S. R., Pen, Y. T., Yueh, W. S., Dufour, S. and Chang, C. F. (2012). The effects of pituitary homogenates and sex steroids on activin/ inhibin/ follistatin in female Japanese eel. 7th Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology (AOSCE) Congress. p.112.

    2. Yueh, W. S., Jeng, S. R., Sun, S. F. and Chang, C. F. (2012). The role of estradiol 17-β and the receptor in final oocyte maturation in multiple spawning fish, yellowfin porgy. 7th Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology (AOSCE) Congress. p.111.

    3. Jeng, S. R., Yueh, W. S., Pen, Y. T., Jeremy Pasquier, J., Dufour, S. and Chang, C. F. (2014). Effects of sex steroids and salmon pituitary homogenates on neuroendocrine gene expression levels in female Japanese eels. 27th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists. Rennes, France. P 159

    4. Yueh, W. S., Jeng, S. R., Sun, S. F., Kuo, S. F., and Chang, C. F. (2014). The functions of estradiol-17β during oocyte maturation in multiple spawning fish, yellowfin porgy. The characters of final oocyte maturation in largescale mullet, Chelon macrolepis. The 7th intercongress symposium of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology (AOSCE). p. 79. March18 -24, Keelung, Taiwan.

    5. Yueh, W. S., Jeng, S. R., Haung, P. H., Chiang, S. D., and Chang, C. F. (2014). The characters of final oocyte maturation in largescale mullet, Chelon macrolepis. The 7th intercongress symposium of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology (AOSCE). p.122. March18 -24, Keelung, Taiwan.

    6. Jeng, S. R., Pen, Y. T., Yueh, W. S., Dufour, S., and Chang, C. F. (2014). Neuroendocrine gene expression levels at different ovarian developmental stages in wild Japanese eel. The characters of final oocyte maturation in largescale mullet, Chelon macrolepis. The 7th intercongress symposium of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology (AOSCE). p. 54. March18 -24, Keelung, Taiwan.

    7. Jeng, S. R., Yueh, W. S., Dufour, S., Kah, O., and Chang, C. F. (2014). The expression and regulation of aromatase and estrogen receptors in Japanese eel. The characters of final oocyte maturation in largescale mullet, Chelon macrolepis. The 7th intercongress symposium of the Asia and Oceania Society for Comparative Endocrinology (AOSCE). p.102. March18 -24, Keelung, Taiwan.

    8. Yueh, W. S., Jeng, S. R., Chiang, S. D., Kuo S. F., and Chang C. F. (2016). The roles of estradiol-17β during oocyte maturation in the protandrous yellowfin porgy, Acanthopagrus latus. Summer Workshop, NTOU (Taiwan)-BOREA (France), Development, reproduction and evolution in marine organisms. p15. July 25 -July 27, Keelung, Taiwan.

    9. Jeng, S. R., Wu, G. C., Yueh, W. S., Pen, Y. T., Dufour, S. and Chang C. F. (2016). Gonadal development and expression of sex-specific genes during sex differentiation in Japanese eel. Summer Workshop, NTOU (Taiwan)-BOREA (France), Development, reproduction and evolution in marine organisms. p16. July 25 -July 27, Keelung, Taiwan.
     Jeng, S. R., Wu, G. C., Yueh, W. S., Pen, Y. T. and Chang, C. F. (2016). Gonadal development and expression of sex-specific genes during sex differentiation in Japanese eel. 8th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology. P107. June 28 - July 2. Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Jeng, S. R., Wu, G. C., Yueh, W. S., Pen, Y. T., Dufour, S. and Chang, C. F. (2019). Expression of sex-specific genes during testicular differentiation in Japanese eel. Taiwan-France Bilateral Conference on Neuropeptides and Hormones in Marine Organisms. Keelung, Taiwan.
    Jeng S.R., Yueh W.S., Liu, P.H., Dufour, S., Wu G.C., and Chang C.F. (2022). Expression profiles of cyp19a1esrs and gths in the brain/pituitary during gonadal sex differentiation of the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica. 30th Conference of European Comparative Endocrinologists & 9th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology. P173. September 4 -9. Faro, Portugal.

    13. Jeng, S. R., Wu, G. C., Yueh, W. S., Liu, P.H., Dufour, S., Wu G. C., and Chang, C. F. (2024). The increased expression of cyp19a1foxl2sesrs and gths in the brain-pituitary axis during testicular differentiation in Juvenile Japanese eels. 10th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology. O23. September15-19. Baltimore, USA.

    14. 鄭絢如, 潘怡婷, 岳文勛, Sylvie Dufour, 張清風  (2012). Aromatase在日本鰻腦中的分佈與表現. 第六屆海峽兩岸「魚類生理與養殖」學術研討會. 大陸廣州. P. 53.

    15. 岳文勛, 鄭絢如, 黃品涵, 張清風 (2012). 大鱗鯔(Liza macrolepis)生殖特性. 第六屆海峽兩岸「魚類生理與養殖」學術研討會. 中國大陸 廣州. p. 43.

    16. 岳文勛, 鄭絢如, 孫淑芳,張清風 (2013). 生殖腺和肝臟雌二醇受體表現和卵成熟之關係. 第七屆海峽兩岸「魚類生理與養殖」學術研討會.上海. P.46.

    17. 鄭絢如, 黃雅嬪, 陳冠如, 岳文勛, 張清風 (2013). 神經類固醇酵素在日本鰻腦中的表現. 第七屆海峽兩岸「魚類生理與養殖」學術研討會. 上海. P.66.

    18. 岳文勛, 鄭絢如, 郭素芬, 張清風 (2017). 雌二醇對卵群成熟之調控模式. 第八屆海峽兩岸「魚類生理與養殖」學術研討會. 廈門. P.15.

    19. 鄭絢如, 吳貫中, 岳文勛, 張清風 (2017). 日本鰻性別分化過程的生殖腺發育和性別特異性基因的表現. 第八屆海峽兩岸「魚類生理與養殖」學術研討會. 廈門. P.19.

    20. 岳文勛, 鄭絢如, 郭素芬, 林承澤, 張清風 (2020). 寶石鱸生殖特性. 第九屆海峽兩岸「魚類生理與養殖」研討會. 海南三亞. P.91.

    21. 鄭絢如, 吳貫中, 岳文勛, 潘怡婷, 張清風 (2020). 性別相關基因在日本鰻生殖腺分化過程表現量的變化. 第九屆海峽兩岸「魚類生理與養殖」研討會. 海南三亞. P.100.
    22. 鄭絢如
    , 岳文勛, 黃品涵, 劉康甫, 張清風 (2023). 大鱗鯔(Chelon macrolepis)生殖特性. 第十屆海峽兩岸「魚類生理與養殖」研討會. 浙江杭州. P.36.
     鄭絢如, 吳貫中, 岳文勛, 郭素芬, 劉佩樺, 張清風 (2023).日本鰻生殖腺的性別分化: 性別相關基因在生殖腺腦部的表現. 第十屆海峽兩岸「魚類生理與養殖」研討會. 浙江杭州. P.40.


    4.Book 岳文勛 、鄭絢如 2005 ,水產養殖,僑務委員會中華函授學校,岳文勛主編


    5.Licenses 水產養殖技師,(八五)專高字第2019號