Members and Duties
  • Chiu -Min Cheng, Ph.D.

    Chiu -Min Cheng, Ph.D.
    PositionAssociate Professor
    EducationGraduate Institute of Medicine , Kaohsiung Medical University, R.O.C.
    Tel+886-7-361-7141 ext. 23713


    1.International Journal Papers 1.Cheng CM, Tzou SC, Zhuang YH, Huang CC, Kao CH, Liao KW, Cheng TC, Chuang CH, Hsieh YC, Tai MH, Cheng TL., Functional production of a soluble and secreted single-chain antibody by a bacterial secretion system., PLoS One,2014, vol.5, no.9, pp.e97367. (SCI)
    2.Cheng CM1, Chen FM, Lu YL, Tzou SC, Wang JY, Kao CH, Liao KW, Cheng TC, Chuang CH, Chen BM, Roffler S, Cheng TL., Expression of β-glucuronidase on the surface of bacteria enhances activation of glucuronide prodrugs., Cancer Gene Therapy, 2013, vol.20, no.5, pp.276-281.(SCI)。
    3.Kao, CH (Kao, Chien-Han)[ 3 ] ; Cheng, CM (Cheng, Chiu-Min)[ 4 ] ; Chuang, KH (Chuang, Kuo-Hsiang)[ 5 ] ; Chuang, CH (Chuang, Chih-Hung)[ 6 ] ; Tzou, SC (Tzou, Shey-Cherng)[ 7 ] ; Cheng, TC (Cheng, Ta-Chun)[ 3 ] ; Hsieh, YC (Hsieh, Yuan-Chin)[ 3 ] ; Liao,,A regularly spaced and self-revealing protein ladder for anti-tag Western blot analysis,Analytical Biochemistry,2012,vol.0 no.1, pp.1-3.(SCI)
    4.Chuang, CH (Chuang, Chih-Hung)[ 4 ] ; Chuang, KH (Chuang, Kuo-Hsiang)[ 1 ] ; Wang, HE (Wang, Hsin-Ell)[ 9 ] ; Roffler, SR (Roffler, Steve R.)[ 10 ] ; Shiea, JT (Shiea, Jen-taie)[ 6,7 ] ; Tzou, SC (Tzou, Shey-Cherng)[ 1 ] ; Cheng, TC (Cheng, Ta-Chun)[ 3 ],In vivo positron emission tomography imaging of protease activity by generation of a hydrophobic product from a noninhibitory protease substrate,Clinical Cancer Research,2012,vol.0 no.1, pp.238-247.(SCI)


    2.National Conference Papers 1.陳俊傑、鄭秋敏(2014), 細菌膜表現神經壞死病毒結合蛋白以預防神經壞死症爆發, 2013臺灣水產學會學術論文發表會, 1/18/2014-1/18/2014, 嘉義, 中華民國, pp.114.
    2.何政鴻、江秀稻、鄭秋敏(2014), 細菌表現白點病毒結合蛋白以抑制白點症爆發, 2013臺灣水產學會學術論文發表會, 1/18/2014-1/18/2014, 嘉義, 中華民國, pp.115.


    3.Patents 1.Kaohsiung Medical University, Auto-developing and regularly-weighted protein molecular weight marker kit and method for preparing the same, 美國專利商標局US8791240 B2, 2014/7/29-2032/2/22.